In the search for growth, public companies are constantly examining acquisition and divestment opportunities on a segmental and geographic basis and we have a significant track record of providing advice to such organisations. We pride ourselves in our wide network of relationships that our team has developed over many years with key decision makers (generally at CEO, CFO or Head of M&A level) in many of the leading companies operating in our specialist areas. Our continual interaction with top management enables us to quickly identify optimal solutions for our clients, such as potential acquirers, appropriate acquisition opportunities or the best long-term strategic partners. As with private companies, we are able to support smaller organisations by providing them with a virtual in-house M&A capability for a discreet period of time or for a specific transaction.
Private Equity Firms
We have extensive experience in providing private equity firms with advice and assistance on both Buy- and Sell-side transaction opportunities, particularly in our areas of deep domain knowledge. Acknowledging the expertise resident in most Private Equity firms, our services can range from the simple introduction of appropriate opportunities, through the development of value-enhancing deal concepts and ideas to sector-specific expert advice involving the identification of potential targets or solutions and comprehensive support to Buy- and Sell-side M&A transactions. Where necessary (to increase geographic reach or resource), we have worked with co-advisers.
Private And Family-Owned COmpanies
Our team has set up, run and sold private companies. Consequently we understand the issues and complexities involved in dealing with firms which may have been in family ownership for generations. We take the time to listen, assess and understand the relevant issues, objectives and dynamics which can, at times, appear conflicting. Our work for private companies typically involves the provision of strategic reviews or comprehensive M&A support to make bolt-on acquisitions, raise growth capital or provide a full or partial exit for the owners.
High Net Worth Individuals And Family Offices
We have significant experience in supporting High Net Worth Individuals and their family offices, particularly in UK and Continental Europe. This typically involves the introducion of appropriate investment opportunities or providing M&A support for the sale of a particular portfolio company or the acquisition of suitable businesses to enhance value.